
How To Overcome The Challenges Of Productivity Culture
Self-Care Hannah Yang, Psy.D Self-Care Hannah Yang, Psy.D

How To Overcome The Challenges Of Productivity Culture

Do you ever feel that if you take the pressure off yourself to exceed expectations and complete all the tasks on your never-ending to-do list, you might lose the motivation to do anything at all? Have you ever wondered why there are countless memes and jokes about how people in the workforce (or those in school) are existing on caffeine or the saying, “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” as a joking way of saying we don’t have time to rest? Have you ever felt lazy when taking time to rest after a difficult day or week? You might have even heard that people who utilize their vacation and sick days are less likely to receive a promotion because they “aren’t working hard enough.” These elements are products of a culture that praises productivity. But the heavy emphasis on the "you can do it all" mentality within our culture can often lead to burnout as it doesn’t honor our need to rest, recharge and reset in order to function at our best.

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